PostSecret Exhibit

Post Secret[Flickr/imahreeahh]

So while I am sick, I thought I might as well catch up on some blogging. Two weekends ago, I went to the PostSecret International Art Exhibit at the Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek, CA.

My cousin is a big fan of the site (so am I but it’s not on my RSS feed or nothing). After an hour of reading through all the postcards and envelopes, I must say that I felt rather depressed. Most of the ones on display are the really, really, REALLY sad ones…..

Still, I recommend everyone to go see this exhibit if it comes to your town. It’s very thought-provoking and touching.

I was surprised though that they didn’t have the coffee table books for sale, but I guess it’s because it was the last day of the exhibit. I sure do wish that I had known about it earlier so that I could have seen Frank Warren speak. Oh wells…
